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What Did Jesus Say About Astrology

    Biblical Perspective on Astrology

    Astrology, the belief that celestial bodies and their movements affect human affairs and personalities, has been a topic of interest and controversy for centuries. Many people wonder what Jesus had to say about astrology, as his teachings in the Bible carry immense significance for Christians worldwide. While the direct references to astrology in the Bible are limited, Jesus’ teachings offer guidance on seeking guidance, the dangers of astrology, and the importance of having faith in God’s plan.

    Jesus emphasized the importance of seeking guidance from God rather than relying on human interpretations or external forces, such as astrology. In Matthew 7:7, Jesus encouraged his disciples, saying, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." Here, Jesus encouraged his followers to seek answers and guidance through prayer and a personal relationship with God. This suggests that Jesus promoted a direct connection with God instead of relying on astrological practices.

    Furthermore, Jesus warned about the dangers of seeking signs and looking for supernatural phenomena to predict the future. In Matthew 16:4, Jesus rebuked the religious leaders of his time, stating, "A wicked and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah." By saying this, Jesus emphasized the need for faith and trust in God’s plan, rather than relying on signs, astrology, or any form of divination.

    Jesus consistently taught his followers to have faith in God’s plan and to trust in Him completely. In Matthew 6:25-26, Jesus said, "Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?" Here, Jesus emphasized that God is the ultimate provider and sustainer, urging his followers to put their faith in God instead of seeking guidance through astrological means.

    While the Bible does not explicitly mention Jesus’ direct thoughts on astrology, his teachings emphasize the importance of seeking guidance from God, the dangers of relying on signs and supernatural phenomena, and the significance of having faith in God’s plan. Christians are encouraged to focus on cultivating a personal relationship with God, seeking His guidance through prayer, and trusting in His divine will rather than turning to astrology or other external sources for wisdom and guidance.

    Jesus’ Teachings on Seeking Guidance

    Seeking guidance is an innate human desire. From ancient times, people have looked to various methods to gain insight into the future and find direction for their lives. One such method is astrology, the belief that celestial bodies can influence human behavior and determine their destinies. However, when exploring the question of what Jesus said about astrology, we find that his teachings emphasize a different approach to seeking guidance.

    Jesus taught his followers to seek guidance not from the stars and planets but from a personal relationship with God. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus encourages his disciples to pray and trust in a loving and caring Heavenly Father who knows their needs (Matthew 6:6-8). This teaching suggests that rather than looking to external forces, individuals should turn inward and commune with God through prayer.

    Furthermore, Jesus emphasized the importance of faith in seeking guidance. In the Gospel of Matthew, he tells his disciples that if they have faith as small as a mustard seed, they can move mountains and nothing will be impossible for them (Matthew 17:20). This teaching conveys that with a strong and unwavering faith in God, individuals can find the answers and direction they seek.

    Another aspect of seeking guidance, according to Jesus, is the need to align oneself with God’s will. In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus teaches his disciples to pray, saying, “Your will be done” (Mark 14:36). This statement highlights the importance of surrendering one’s own desires and aligning with the divine plan. Instead of basing decisions on celestial bodies, Jesus teaches his followers to trust in God’s providence and wisdom.

    Moreover, Jesus warns his disciples about the dangers of seeking guidance from worldly sources. In the Gospel of Matthew, he cautions against false prophets who claim to have special knowledge or insight (Matthew 24:24). This teaching suggests that individuals should be cautious when seeking guidance from astrologers or any other source that claims to have exclusive knowledge of the future.

    Jesus’ teachings on seeking guidance offer a different perspective from astrology. He emphasizes the importance of prayer, faith, alignment with God’s will, and caution against relying on worldly sources. Instead of looking to the stars, Jesus encourages his followers to trust in a personal relationship with God and seek guidance through prayer and faith.

    The Dangers of Astrology, according to Jesus

    Astrology, the belief in interpreting celestial movements and their supposed influence on human affairs, has been practiced for centuries. However, when considering the perspective of Jesus, it becomes clear that He had a different view on astrology. Jesus taught His disciples and followers to seek guidance from God alone and to trust in His divine plan rather than relying on astrological predictions.

    Throughout the Bible, there are various instances where Jesus underscores the importance of seeking God’s guidance rather than placing faith in astrology. In the book of Matthew, Jesus warns against the dangers of astrology, stating, "But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father only" (Matthew 24:36). Here, He emphasizes that knowledge of future events lies solely in the hands of God, not in astrological charts or predictions.

    Jesus also instructs His disciples to prioritize spiritual matters and faith in God rather than seeking insight through astrology. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus says, "And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be worried. For all the nations of the world seek after these things, and your Father knows that you need them" (Luke 12:29-30). This statement reminds believers that their ultimate trust should be in God’s provision and guidance, rather than relying on astrological practices to determine their future.

    Furthermore, Jesus teaches that our faith should solely rest in God’s plan for our lives. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble" (Matthew 6:34). Here, Jesus encourages His followers to trust in God’s sovereignty and to focus on their present responsibilities, rather than becoming preoccupied with astrological predictions about the future.

    Jesus’ teachings align with the biblical belief in God’s ultimate authority and control over all aspects of life. Astrology, on the other hand, places emphasis on human efforts to interpret celestial signs for guidance and prediction. Jesus cautions against this reliance on astrology, urging His disciples to have faith in God’s wisdom and trust in His perfect plan.

    Jesus spoke out against astrology and emphasized the need to seek guidance from God alone. His teachings emphasized the dangers of relying on astrological predictions and encouraged believers to place their trust in God’s providence. As followers of Jesus, it is important to align our beliefs and actions with His teachings, recognizing that our faith rests in God’s plan, not in astrological signs or predictions. Let us trust in Him and seek His guidance in every aspect of our lives.

    Trusting in God’s Plan instead of Astrology

    Astrology has been a topic of interest for centuries, with people seeking guidance and insights into their lives through the study of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs. However, when it comes to the teachings of Jesus, we find a different perspective on seeking guidance. Jesus emphasized the importance of trusting in God’s plan and relying on faith rather than turning to external forces like astrology.

    In the Bible, Jesus teaches his followers to have faith in God’s providence and not to put their trust in human-made systems. One of the key aspects of Jesus’ teachings is the concept of surrendering to God’s will and trusting in Him for guidance and direction. This fundamental principle is in conflict with the practice of astrology, as it suggests seeking guidance from the positions and movements of celestial bodies rather than relying on God.

    Jesus often spoke about the dangers of seeking answers through anything other than a personal relationship with God. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus encourages his disciples not to worry about their material needs but to trust in the Father who cares for them. He assures them that God knows their needs and will provide for them. This teaching implies that seeking guidance from external sources like astrology can lead to unnecessary anxiety and a lack of trust in God’s plan.

    Another key teaching of Jesus is the importance of discernment and distinguishing between true and false prophets. In Matthew 7:15-20, Jesus warns his followers about false prophets who come in sheep’s clothing but are inwardly ravenous wolves. This caution can be applied to astrologers or any other individuals who claim to have special knowledge or insights into the future. Jesus encourages his followers to discern the spirits and test everything against the truth of God’s Word.

    Furthermore, Jesus repeatedly emphasized the need for a personal relationship with God and the power of prayer. In Matthew 6:6, Jesus instructs his disciples to pray to the Father in private rather than seeking recognition or validation from others. This teaching conveys the idea that we should seek guidance directly from God through prayer, rather than relying on external methods like astrology.

    Jesus’ teachings on trusting in God’s plan and having faith are at odds with the practice of astrology. Jesus emphasized the importance of seeking guidance directly from God through prayer, discerning true from false prophets, and relying on faith rather than turning to external forces. Therefore, as followers of Jesus, we are encouraged to put our trust in God and His plan rather than seeking answers through astrology.

    The Significance of Faith in Jesus’ Teachings

    Faith holds great prominence in Jesus’ teachings, emphasizing its importance over relying on astrology or any other means of seeking guidance. Jesus repeatedly encouraged his followers to place their trust in God’s plan and have unwavering faith in Him.

    Throughout the gospels, Jesus affirmatively emphasizes the significance of faith. In Matthew 17:20, he states, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you." This powerful metaphor demonstrates that even the tiniest amount of faith can produce remarkable outcomes.

    Jesus believed that his disciples should not seek guidance from astrology or other means, but rather place their complete trust in God. In Luke 12:27-28, Jesus says, "Consider how the wildflowers grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you, not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today, and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, how much more will he clothe you—you of little faith!"

    By comparing the faith of his followers to the lilies of the field, Jesus underscores the idea that God is the ultimate provider and sustainer of life. Rather than seeking signs or guidance from astrology, Jesus calls upon his disciples to trust that God will meet their needs.

    Additionally, Jesus warns against the dangers of seeking guidance from astrology or any other form of divination. In Matthew 16:4, he rebukes the Pharisees and Sadducees, saying, "A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah." This remark highlights Jesus’ disapproval of those who seek supernatural signs or rely on astrology as a means of discerning the future.

    Jesus’ teachings emphasize the significance of faith and trusting in God’s plan rather than seeking guidance through astrology. He encourages his followers to have unwavering faith, reminding them that even the smallest amount of faith can produce extraordinary results. By placing their trust in God’s providence, Jesus believes that his disciples will find true fulfillment and a deeper connection with their Creator.


    In light of the biblical perspective on astrology and Jesus’ teachings on seeking guidance, it is evident that astrology holds no place in the life of a believer. The dangers associated with astrology were made clear by Jesus, as He emphasized the importance of placing our trust in God’s plan rather than seeking answers in the stars. Instead, Jesus encouraged His followers to have faith in Him and His teachings, knowing that He is the ultimate source of wisdom and guidance.

    Astrology, with its focus on the position of the stars and planets, may seem appealing to those seeking direction or answers about their future. However, from a biblical perspective, it is regarded as a form of divination, which is strongly discouraged. Divination involves seeking insight or guidance from supernatural sources other than God. As believers, we are called to put our faith in God alone and seek His will through prayer and studying His Word.

    Jesus’ teachings on seeking guidance provide a clear contrast to the practices of astrology. He emphasized the importance of seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness above all else. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus taught His disciples to "seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33). This passage reinforces the idea that our focus should be on aligning ourselves with God’s will rather than relying on external signs and symbols for guidance.

    According to Jesus, the dangers of astrology lie in its deception and potential to mislead believers. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus warned His disciples about false prophets who would come in His name and deceive many (Matthew 24:11). These false prophets can be seen as those who promote and rely on astrology as a means of seeking guidance. Jesus made it clear that our trust should not be placed in human interpretations or the movements of celestial bodies but in the truth of His teachings.

    Trusting in God’s plan instead of astrology requires a firm belief in His sovereignty and faithfulness. Throughout His ministry, Jesus emphasized the importance of having faith in Him and His teachings. He assured His followers that God cares for them and knows their needs (Matthew 6:25-34). This reassurance challenges believers to trust that God’s plan is perfect and that He will provide what is needed in His perfect timing.

    Based on the biblical perspective and Jesus’ teachings, astrology holds no place in the life of a believer. It is considered a form of divination and goes against the principles of placing our trust in God alone. Jesus’ teachings emphasize the importance of seeking God’s kingdom and righteousness, renouncing the deceptive practices that astrology entails. By trusting in God’s plan and having faith in Jesus’ teachings, we can find true guidance and fulfillment in our lives. Rather than turning to astrology, believers are called to seek and rely on God for wisdom, direction, and purpose.